Portfolio    >   WaterFire


WaterFire Providence is an artistic festival along the canal in Providence, Rhode Island that celebrates community in a series of evenings throughout the summer months. Volunteers clad in black take boats down the canal and set braziers alight, casting firelight on the old stone architecture of the surrounding buildings while a curated playlist of a wide variety of music plays on hidden speakers.

The brochure design reflects the crescendo of a day through the text layout and the imagery on the brochure and tote comes from how memories of an event are created, moments can be connected after the event.


The poster design reflects the settling sensation in the song “Cantus in Memorium Benjamin Britton” by Arvo Pärt played at the festival. The song is nearly eight minutes of swelling rise and progressive fall of string instruments, dropping in pitch until it ends in rich and full base chords.


Anniversary: Transcontinental Railroad


Vintage Poster: Acadia NPS